Betterson was a destination of Steamships. Probably little is know now of this resort town BUT besides resort hotels there was: Betterton Casino and Amusement Pier...




SOME patron will receive a ROUND TRIP TICKET with Pullman accommodations Good for ten days.

Each person purchasing a ticket at the value of 25 cents at the DANCE CASINO, BATH HOUSE, BOWLING ALLEYS or Moving picture Theater Will be given a number.

On the evening of Sept. 4th the LUCKY NUMBER will be drawn by a representative of the Public press.

EACH patron has a Chance for the TRIP

Further information regarding this offer may be obtained at any of the above places of amusement.

Tolchester Co. Steamer will run an Excursion to Betterton from Port Deposit and Havre de Grace on August 14th and 21st.

Betterton Casino & Amusement Pier


Betterton - My Summer Place by Susan Edwards Armstrong

Memories of my early years, ages 4-12, are filled with flashing pictures of family fun at Betterton - for two weeks every summer. My Betterton was the 1940s Betterton.

The Betterton my parents first knew was a resort of the 1920s, where they met as teens and later married. My first couple of summers were spent at the charming, Victorian style Royal Swan Hotel.Later we became regular guests at the Rigbie Hotel with its majestic view of the beautiful Sasafrass River. The owner, W. S. Brice, made us all feel like family. The large, sun-filled dining room was always overflowing during the noon meal with many of the passengers from the Bay Bel excursion ship.My Dad took many pictures which have helped reinforce my early memories of summers on the Sassafrass. I learned to swim in the calm waters off the white, sandy beach. I loved to play Bingo - an "every evening" event.We'd save our coupons and at the end of two weeks we'd pick out our prize. A red oriental vase, that my Dad later made into a lamp, is in my living room today. I am so blessed to have grown up with such loving, caring parents who gave me solid values and beautiful childhood memories.

CREDITS: Above are excerpts courtesy of the Historical Society of Cecil County