Visitors flocked to Tolchester Beach on Maryland's Eastern Shore from the 1870s to the 1960s. They brought picnics, bathing suits, and money for rides and snacks. Like much of the nation, Tolchester remained segregated until the 1960s.
Brown's Grove, a popular destination for African Americans, enjoyed its heyday in the 1920s. Captain George Brown conducted steamboat excursions and managed the amusement park along with Mr. Walter L. Langley. They advertised proudly that Brown's Grove was "the only park in the State of Maryland run exclusively for Colored People and by Colored People." Attractions included picnic spots, games, and rides like the "Racer Dip," a roller coaster.
Rock Creek, Maryland (MD), United States
Facts & Statistics
Place Name
Rock Creek
Place Status (Type)
Montgomery County, Maryland (MD), United States, North America
Rock Creek , c.30 mi/48 km long, in Md. and D.C.; rises just S of Laytonsville in Montgomery co., Md.; flows S past Garrett Park, Kensington, and Forest Glen in Md., and through Rock Creek Park and Natl. Zoological Park in Washington to the Potomac in Georgetown.