---- Describes entertainment she enjoyed as a young girl
including the dog track, eating out at Lydia's in
Meaderville, swimming at Gregson Hot Springs, dancing
every Saturday night in the Summer at the Lake Avoca
Dance Pavilion, the theaters in Butte especially
Fencion and Marko with a new show every week in the
Fox Theater, movies all day, Vaudiville at night,
wearing "Blackie Riley's Scates" as a young girl roler
skating around the jail, women going out to "card
parties" and playing whist then cleaning the room for
a dance. Bands were pianos, saxaphones and acordions.
Tamale stand on Main Street with the guy (Gus) selling
Tamales out of a thing on his back.
.....the alley where people could smoke opium pipes. Talks about some of the nice things the Chinese would do as part of normal service.
--- She talks about the many dance halls she frequented and about the boat ride at Lake Avoca, whicle the orchestra played at the band stand. She said Lake Avoca was an ice making pond for Butte. She was a title holding iceskater and....