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Bellevue Grove, Waterbury, Connecticut....All that is known is that a 'separate' commercial operation was located in Lakeview Park, Waterbury, Connecticut....(and also known as Forest Park depending upon the years)

......The Waterville section of Waterbury. My father told me that on the summer weekends hundreds of people would go there to picnic and swim and enjoy the rides, also next door across "Lakewood" Rd. was "Belview Lake", (presumed Belleview Grove) that had a big pavilion for dancing and parties. Hundreds of people would take the trolley up there on weekends. I have a book some where that shows that trolley stopping at the park, I'll see if i can find it and post the pictures. I think there were also some trolley barns down in Waterville. Anybody have any info on this...thanks d'street.