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Park demolished approx.1965 ?

STORYLAND Village in Asbury Park was located just off the Asbury Park Circle. 'Circles' were a thing here in NJ from the 50's - and we still can't figure out to get rid of them. Not as bad as Europe. Storyland disappeared in the 60's. No one that I ever heard of saved it...

---- the 50s/60s depicting Storyland Village, On the Jersey Shore, Route 66, Asbury Park Circle, Neptune, New Jersey.

Storyland Village is a 50 acre living storybook, a child's garden of verse and stories come to life.

There is: The Cat and the Fiddle; Sleeping Beauty; Peter's Pumpkin; Crooked House; The Old Woman in the Shoe; Humpty Dumpty.

A good friend of the family helped demolish the Neptune NJ Storyland park to make way for a new Sears. In his yard, to this day, he has the pumpkin and shoe. We used to play in them all the time as kids.