The greatest free attraction at the park, when completed, will be an elevated boardwalk extending from the southern boundary of the amusement company's holdings northward to the dome building, which is used as a dancing floor.
This boardwalk will connect with the municipal boardwalk, already nearly completed, and will make a long promenade along the beach. City authorities have committed themselves to a project that would add another section to the present boardwalk to connect with a similar structure to be built by the amusement park company.
A large free picnic room, sufficiently commodious to accommodate scores of picnickers, has already been provided. This building faces the gulf and is to be secured by reservation only, being reserved for parties upon application.
A start will soon be made on a zoological garden at the park, Mr. Brennan states. A cage of monkeys and several wild animals have already been ordered, it is reported, and a section of the park will be dedicated to this zoo, to afford pleasure to the children and those of larger growth as well.
Plans have also been made to install shuffleboard courts, lanes for pitching horseshoes, and several similar devices, to be operated without charge to park patrons. Attorney Arthur Jordan of the amusement corporation is enthusiastic about the park.