Sharing the passion leads to new horizons...
In 1970, another business venture beckoned. Robert and Justine sold their interest in Southwick's, purchased Santa's Land, and moved with their five children to Putney, Vermont. When Justin passed away in 1971, Dan took over the management of the businesses.
After Dan Southwick's untimely death in 1977, Southwick's went through some troubled years. In 1981, the Brewer family returned to nurture the growth and rebuilding of the zoo. Since that time the park has grown extensively. Southwick's is home to over 500 wild animals featuring more than 100 varied species, many of which are endangered.
The Brewer family and its staff are dedicated to the preservation and conservation of all animals. The Southwick teams mission: to provide an extensive zoological collection and educational facility for our visitors. We strive to promote an exciting environment for a positive family experience.
Southwick's is a privately owned zoo. Therefore, the zoo does not receive state, local, or federal funding of any kind. All admission proceeds go directly towards caring for the animals and upkeep of the zoo. This includes animal housing, appropriate diets, veterinary care, new exhibit design, and all maintenance of zoo facilities.
We thank you for your patronage.