I am still trying to figure out if the present Indian Plaza is the same place. -- or Mohawk Park ??
I will leave some excerpts below in relation to Mohawk Park. They still hold Indian Pow-Wows but I have yet to find anything that might designate them as some type of 'amusement park'.
Property is 8 acres in size and Pow-wows have been held here for 35 years.
Memorial sites for many natives. Trees were planted here in honor of those who have passed.
A campground is available for native americans who are actively participating in the pow-wow only. There are local accomodations for the public very closeby.
People come from all over. Ours is an Intertribal pow-wow where any tribes or people can come and attend. We have a permanent pow-wow sacred circle unlike some places that have pow-wows temporarily or from time to time.
1475 Route 2 East Mohawk Trail
Charlemont, MA 01339
Located next to the peaceful Deerfield river.
Harold Roberts, veteran