Bonneville Transloaders, Inc, owns the Bad Water Railway which started out as the Bad Water Line, based in Riverton, WY. It was established in 1995 after BTI bought the rail line abandoned by the Chicago & North Western RR. In May 2002 it was bought by Bighorn Divide & Wyoming Railroad Inc. (BDW), a noncarrier.

The line runs from Shoshoni to Bonneville, BNSF Junction mile post 304.0, on the Casper line. It was established in 1995 after BTI bought the rail line abandoned by the Chicago & North Western RR. Badwater Creek runs through Bonneville.

The main operations include loading molten sulfur into tank cars and soda ash trucked in from the Green River area. Soda ash is still loaded at Bonneville in 2004.

The Bad Water Railway built a new railroad line from Lysite to Lost Cabin, WY, to serve a gas-processing plant in 2001. BNSF granted them trackage rights from Bonneville to Lysite.

Bighorn Divide & Wyoming Railroad Inc. (BDW), a noncarrier, has filed a verified notice of exemption under 49 CFR 1150.31 to acquire and operate rail lines of: (a) Bad Water Line Inc. (BDL) extending from milepost 0.0 at Shobon (switch on The Burlington Northern and Santa Fe Railway Company (BNSF) at BNSF milepost 303.9) to milepost 4.1 at the town of Shoshoni, WY, and of Lost Cabin Gas Plant Line extending from milepost 0.0 at Lysite (at BNSF milepost 282.7) to milepost 3.89 at Lost Cabin, WY, a total distance of 7.99 miles; and (b) BDL's trackage rights agreement with BNSF between milepost 282.5 at Lysite and milepost 306.0 near Shobon, WY, a distance of 23.5 miles. BDW states that its projected annual revenues do not exceed those that would qualify it as a Class III carrier.

Credits: Excerpts from Wikipedia

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