These pages will contain some information on Logging Railroads which can be rather scarce as far as information. Maps are so large that web maps are sort of useless. (size too large for web sites) Try zooming in with your computer although detail is lost.
Upper Ammonoosuc Railroad
Kilkenny Lumber Company
Rocky Branch Railroad
Success Pond Railroad
Saco River-Valley Railroad
Gale River Railroad
Johns River Railroad
Wild River Railroad
Whitfield & Jefferson Railroad
Beebe River Railroad
W. D. Veazey's Railroad
Gordon Pond Railroad
Woodstock & Thronton Gore Railroad
East Branch & Lincoln Railroad
Sawyer River Railroad
Bartlett and Albany Railroad
Little River Railroad
Zealand Valley Railroad
Swift River Railroad
-- Other known Railroads --
CREDITS : Excerpts from Wikipedia and some maps courtesy of Bill Gove who writes many books relating to the old lumber railroads. The purpose of this site is not to mirror sources but add to information. This site is non-profit educational.